Sunday, July 21, 2019

Methods of Refrigeration: Literature Review

Methods of Refrigeration: Literature Review REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Introduction In study of applied thermo dynamics all the while we have been observing heat transfer from a system at higher temperature to that at lower temperature. Now in the study of refrigeration we will be observing various methods of cooling the objects and maintaining the temperature of bodies at values lower than surrounding temperature. According to American society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHARE) â€Å"Refrigeration is the science of providing and maintaining temperature below that of the surrounding (ambient) temperature†. In the olden days around 2500 years B.C. Indians, Egyptians, etc., were producing ice by keeping water in the porous posts open to cold atmosphere during the night period. The evaporation of water in almost cool dry air accompanied with recitative heat transfer in the clear night caused the formation of ice even when the ambient temperature was above the freezing temperature. Further references are available which support the use of ice in China 1000 years BC. Nero, the emperor, was using ice for cooling beverages. Further, the East Indians were able to produce refrigeration by dissolving salt in water as early as 4th century A.D., of course, on very small scale. The use of evaporative cooling is another application of refrigeration used olden days. The cooling of water in earthen pots for drinking purpose; is the most common example where the evaporation for water through the pores of earthen pot is accompanied with cooling of water. The fore said methods of the production of cooling were not feasible for the commercial use due to very small amount of ice production. Availability of natural ice in limited regions and unavailability of good quality insulation confined the application of ice to those localities only. These all led to the development of artificial refrigeration side, a few would be presented here. Thomas Harris and John Long got the earliest British parent in 1790. Later on in 1834 Jacob Perkins developed hand operated refrigeration system using ether (volatile) as the working fluid. Ether vapor is sucked by the hand-operated compressor and then high temperature and pressure either vapor is condensed in the water cooled chamber (condenser). Liquid ether is finally throttled to the lower pressure, and thus evaporation of this liquid in chamber A lowers the temperature of water surrounding the vessel. Finally ice is formed. In this system, ether is used again and again in the cyclic process with negli gible wastage. In 1851, Dr. John Garrie of Florida, a physician obtained the first American patent of a cold air machine to produce ice in order to cure people suffering from the high fever. Instead of air or ether, sulphuric ether was used by Dr. James Harrison of Australia in 1860, the world’s first installation of refrigeration machine for brewery. The steam engine works as a power source which drives the compressor for the pressurization of sulphuric ether vapor, which is, in turn, condensed and is allowed to expand and evaporate in order to produce refrigeration. Dr. Alexander Kirk of England constructed a cold air machine is 1861 similar to that of Dr. Gorrie. The air was compressed by a reciprocating compressor driven by a steam engine running on coal. His actual machine consumed about 1 kg of coal to produce 4 kg of ice (approximately). In the 19th century, there was tremendous development of refrigeration systems to replace natural ice by artificial ice producing machines. Unfortunately steam engine, a very low speed power developing source, was used to drive the compressor, rendering very poor performance of the refrigeration system. Some Recent Advancements of in Refrigeration In the beginning of 20th century, large sized refrigeration machines were under progress. By 1904 about 450 ton cooling system for air conditioning the New York Stock Exchange was installed. In Germany people used air conditioning in theatre for comfort purposes. In around 1911 the compressor speed was raised between 100 to 300 rpm. The first two-stage modem compressor was brought under use in 1915. During the civil war there was an acute shortage of the supply of natural ice from the north. Hence, Ferdinand Care of the USA developed vapour-absorption refrigeration system ammonia as a refrigerant and water as a absorbent. The system consists of an evaporator, an absorber, a pump, a generator, a condenser and an expansion device. The evaporated vapor is absorbed by the weak ammonia-water mixture in the absorber yielding strong aqua ammonia. The pump delivers this strong solution into the generator where heat transfer from a burner separates ammonia vapor and the weak ammonia water returns to the absorber. On the other hand the ammonia vapor condenses in the condenser before being throttled. The throttled ammonia liquid enters the evaporator resulting in completion of the cyclic process. In the beginning of two decades of the twentieth century, the development in refrigeration system was confined to refinement in cold air machines and vapor compression thermoelectric, pulse tube refrigeration systems, etc. The developments are vortex tube, steam-jet refrigeration system, availability of materials of specific properties for thermoelectric materials. The possible use of waste heat or solar energy in case of vapor-absorption and thermoelectric systems has led to development of several commercial units these days especially due to the like hood of future energy crisis, the world is going to face. A condenser is a heat exchanger is which de-superheating of high temperature vapor changes the phase from vapor to liquid and sub cooling of condensate occurs. The condenser is an important device used in the high pressure side of a refrigeration system. Its function is to remove heat of hot vapor refrigerant discharged from the compressor. The hot vapor refrigerant consists of the heat absorbed by the evaporator and the heat of compression added by the mechanical energy of the compressor motor. The heat from the hot vapor refrigerant in a condenser is removed first by transferring it to the walls of the condenser tubes and then from the tubes to the condensing or cooling medium. The cooling medium may be air or water or a combination of the two. An air cooled condenser is one in which the removal of heat is done by air. It consists of steel or copper tubing through which the refrigerant flows. The size of tube usually ranges from 6mm to 18mm outside diameter, depending upon the size of the condenser. Generally copper tubes are used because of its excellent heat transfer ability. The condensers with steel tubes are used in ammonia refrigerating systems. Majority of the domestic refrigerators uses the natural convection air cooled condenser. The present work refrigerator uses the natural convection air cooled condenser. In natural convection air cooled condenser, the heat transfer from the condenser coils to the air is by natural convection. As the air comes in contact with the warm condenser tubes, it absorbs heat from the refrigerant and thus the temperature of air increases. The warm air being lighter, rises up and cold air from below rises to take away the heat from the condenser. This cycle continues in natural convection air cooled condensers. This work is an experimental approach to increase the heat to be rejected in the condenser as well as increase the performance of the system. If the condenser is having more fins spacing then the number of fins avail able at the condenser are less. Due to this surface area decreases. Therefore less heat transfer occurs. On the other hand if the condenser is having less fins spacing then the number of fins available at the Condensers are more. Therefore more heat rejection takes place in the condenser. Because of more heat rejection sub cooling occurs at the exit of the condenser which in turn increases the performance of the system. Decreasing energy consumption and increasing efficiency is one of the most important points in our era. Becoming a matter of primary importance in air conditioning, industrial and commercial cooling applications, supermarket cooling, blast freezing and process cooling applications, energy efficiency affects design of chillers (and its equipment such as condensers, compressors etc.) and urges manufacturers to develop high performance, energy-efficient, environment friendly, economic, and long life products. Becoming a matter of primary importance in air conditioning, industrial cooling, supermarket cooling, commercial cooling, blast freezing and process cooling applications, etc., energy efficiency affects the design of chillers that account for a significant ratio of the energy consumption in plants. Legal legislations that for the short run limit, and in the long run prohibit the use of fluids of high global warming potential, that are detrimental to the ozone layer are also influential on designs. Since air cooled condensers are among the essential components of cooling groups, efforts to improve their energy efficiency are made incessantly, the related national and international standards are upgraded and limitations on their energy consumptions are always increasing. Our statement will convey –in the light of the latest applicable standards- detailed and comparative information on applications aimed at improving the energy efficiency in air cooled condensers, highlighting the importance of energy efficiency in cooling installations. 2.2 The effect of condensation temperature on capacity The condensation temperature of the refrigerant is considered to be 6 °C – 20 °C above air inlet temperature for general purposes. The condensation temperature varies according to the ambient temperature in which the system will operate. This said, the condensation temperature for applications is commonly taken as 30-60 °C. Factors taken into consideration for determining the condensation temperature Ambient temperature, Thermo physical properties of the refrigerant, Properties of the selected compressor and The dimensions of the condenser. While providing the nominal condenser capacity in condensers as per the Euro vent Standard, the air inlet temperature and condensation temperature are taken as 25 °C and 40 °C respectively. In other words, T = 15  °C. A low value should be selected for the temperature differential T, in places of high ambient temperature. For instance, while designing for the conditions of Antalya the T value should be selected within the range of 7 ° 10 ° C. For systems that will operate in outdoor environments in conditions of Turkey, the temperature differential should be lowered as one goes from the north to the south and selections should be made accordingly. It must always be considered that High Compression Temperature creates a load on the compressor that reduces efficiency and shortens its useful life. It will be quite beneficial in the design for the condensation temperature to be specified as low as possible. However, in some conditions it is not possible to take a low value for the condensation temperature. For example in Middle East countries where the outdoor temperature is 50 °C-55 °C, high condenser temperature is unavoidable. The following example shows the compressor absorbed power at various condensation temperatures and the achieved cooling capacities for a semi-hermetic type HGX4/555-4 model compressor manufactured by BOCK, which uses R134A gas. The cooling gas selected for the example is R134A. As seen from the table, when the condensation temperature rises from 30 °C to 60 °C, the compressor draws 25% more power while the cooling capacity drops by 38.5%, the COP value decreases by 51% and the a unit that is 38.5% larger must be used to achieve the cooling capacity declared in the design. 2.3 Tried and True for Millennia Copper tubing has been in use by civilization for thousands of years, and it has been found present in the water lines of Ancient Egypt. Modern-day houses having copper pipes installed 70 years ago are still working well in the present day and require far less to fix and modify than alternative methods. Should you choose copper, you will have very little maintenance, whereas even stainless steel begins to rust over time, especially if it is not painted or coated. There are a great variety of uses for copper tubing. If you invest a high degree into copper, you may be able to easily reclaim your investment with high rates of return for reuse and recycling for example. Copper is a fantastic renewable resource because it is easily recycled. Beneficial Qualities of Copper Tubing Proven Longevity Comparably Lightweight Resistant to Corrosion Can Be Formed to Shape Largely Nontoxic and Non Carcinogenic 2.4 Copper Condenser Coils Condensers are one of the prominent uses of copper tubing. Changing gases into liquids occur at appropriate temperature dew point. Coppers fantastic heat transfer rates are one of the best choices for achieving this goal, exceeding other heat transfer tubing materials (such as aluminum in this case) by nearly 800% while maintaining a strong, lightweight structure. Having a higher heat transfer rate renders less total material necessary for a given space, allowing for more compact, lightweight, and simple condenser applications that minimize back pressure. CTCG builds condensers with copper tubing, aluminum tubing, and stainless steel tubing, to customer printsbut we highly recommend copper tubing for condenser applications. 2.5 All Designs Accepted for Review Whether your coil is, serpentine, coaxial, or completely customized, all designs are accepted for review. Both hard drawn and annealed, flexible copper tubing acceptable for forming and coiling. Easily outsource production runs of custom copper tubing coils or buy bulk loads of custom and non-custom length copper tubing, including level wound coils, water tubing and piping, refrigeration tubing, DWV and capillary tubing. Providing Tubing Coils for Most Industries Copper meets many industries highest standards for excellence; thus we recommend the use of copper for your applications in The Aerospace Industry, Construction Industry, Freon Recycling Industry, Medical Industry, and the AC Refrigeration Industry Most projects can be easily manufactured, including such items as gas turbines, artistic projects, diagnostic hardware, in one to four weeks (and sometimes faster). Check our present inventory to see what tube types can be serviced this month 2.6 Why Copper Copper tubing is the ideal material for many applications. Its strength, the ease with which it is fabricated and soldered, and its high conductivity to heat is invaluable in the process of building homes and industrial buildings, particularly for the refrigeration and air conditioning equipment installed. Tubing made from copper is one of the few naturally-sourced materials that are 100% recyclable, so no metal is lost in reclaiming copper from pipes no longer needed, making it a good choice for the future. Maori Trends and Paradigms: 1919 to Present Day Maori Trends and Paradigms: 1919 to Present Day Research hauora Maori trends and paradigms from 1919 to the present day Unit Standard 18414 Gilanne M. Natividad Identify the Region The TÄ maki Makaurau region stretches from the South Kaipara in the north to the southern reaches of the Manukau Harbour and covers more than 5,600 square kilometres. It is the smallest of the Te Puni KÄ kiri regions but contains the largest population of MÄ ori. Identify the Hauora Maori trends and paradigms Lung cancer Is a disease whereby, cells grow uncontrollably in the lung tissue usually beginning in the lining of the bronchi or bronchioles (small tubes in the lungs, through which air passes while breathing). As these tumours enlarge they can block off the bronchi and restrict the airflow into the lung. They commonly spread into the local lymph nodes and occasionally the chest wall. This reduces the airways capacity leading to shortness of breath and coughing. The growth may lead to metastasis, which is when the cancer spreads to other areas of the body. Smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer and is attributed to approximately 85% of cases. Lung cancer in non-smokers is attributed to a combination of genetic factors, radon gas, asbestos and air pollution, including second-hand smoke. (Cancer NZ) Cervical Cancer Is cancer of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus or womb. Cervical cancer develops slowly over time, usually taking many years, when abnormal cells grow on the cervix. These abnormal cells are caused by infection with high-risk types of HPV. Abnormalities in the cells of the cervix can be detected by cervical screening and removed. Each year there are around 25,000 abnormal smear test results among New Zealand women. The most important risk factor for cervical cancer is persistent HPV infection. Other factors may contribute, including: Genetics: some women are more likely to get cancer than others (family history) Smoking: tobacco is a factor in causing many types of cancer, including cervical cancer. Women who smoke are twice as likely as non-smokers to develop cervical cancer Nutrition: women with a diet low in fruits and vegetables have an increased risk Number of sexual partners: the more sexual partners a person has, the higher their risk of contracting HPV Not having regular smear tests: this increases a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer. (Ministry of Health, 2014) Gynaecological cancers are not common cancers but they do take the lives of around 350 New Zealand women each year. Ovarian cancer causes around 190 of these deaths. For all the gynaecological cancers, like most cancers, the risk increases with age. For ovarian and endometrial (lining of the uterus) cancers the causes are not well understood. However it is known that; †¢ Women who have not had children †¢ Women who are overweight May have an increased risk for these cancers a cause of some cervical, vulval and vaginal cancers is a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV). This is a common sexually transmitted virus. Most women are infected with it at some point in their lives. For most women it will never cause any problems. However, for a few women it causes cell changes that can lead to cancer. (Gynaecological Cancers Information for all Women, 2012) Colon Cancer or Bowel Cancer Bowel cancer is named according to where it is found: for example, cancer of the colon, cancer of the rectum or colorectal cancer. This cancer occurs when the cells in some part of the bowel grow abnormally and form a lump or tumour. Most cancers are in the large bowel. Cancer in the small bowel is less common. How common is bowel cancer? The latest provisional information available from the New Zealand Cancer Registry1 recorded 2,759 new cases of colorectal cancer in 2008. It is one of the most common cancers among both men and women in New Zealand. It may occur at any age, although 90 percent of cases are found in people over the age of 50. There are different risk factors in developing Bowel Cancer: Lifestyle A diet high in fat and protein and low in fruit and vegetables Alcohol consumption Weight gain, particularly around the waist Low rates of physical activity. Family History of Bowel Cancer Rare Genetic Conditions (Bowel Cancer Matepukupuku Puku Hamuti, 2009) Identify traditional approaches to Hauora Maori Models of health The Medical Wheel (Stamler, 2003) Purpose: effectiveness of healthcare for Maori by delivering quality service. 4 themes Mental Emotional Spiritual Physical Te Pae Mahutonga (Durie, 2011) Purpose: the star constellation focuses on modern health promotion 4 stars Mauriora – cultural identity Waiora – environmental protection Toiora – healthy lifestyle Te Oronga – participation in society Te Wheke (Pere, 1984) Purpose: this is to link between the mind, spirit, human connection with the whanau and the physical world. 10 components Te whÄ nau – the family Waiora – total wellbeing for the individual and family Wairuatanga – spirituality Hinengaro – the mind Taha tinana – physical wellbeing Whanaungatanga extended family Mauri – life force in people and objects Mana ake – unique identity of individuals and family HÄ  a koro ma, a kui ma – breath of life from forbearers Whatumanawa – the open and healthy expression of emotion Te Whare Tapa Wha (Durie, 1984) Purpose: is to set foundation for a holistic approach and to reflect on a way of being 4 components Wairua spiritual Hinengaro mind Tinana body Whanau – family Utilising of Maori medicine Rongoa MÄ ori – traditional MÄ ori medicine Rongoais the MÄ ori term for medicines that are produced from native plants in New Zealand. Use of these medicines prevented many sicknesses, and provided remedies for the sick. In traditional MÄ ori healing, diagnosis involved a holistic approach that included mind, body and spirit mauri(spark or life force),wairua(spirit), andtapu(natural law).Whakapapaor genealogy was also considered. Tohunga, the medical practitioners of the MÄ ori world, passed their knowledge down through the generations, and modern MÄ ori healers still use many of the concepts and practices.(100% New Zealand, 1999) Identify issues to primary and secondary health service Discrimination The role of discrimination and racism in harming health is not new but has received increasing attention over the past 20 years. Doctors have been shown to be less likely to advocate for preventive measures for Maori patients than for non-Maori patients, and Maoris may be less likely than non-Maoris to be referred for surgical care. (Lis Ellison-Loschmann, 2006) Accessibility Access has been defined in terms of both ‘access to’ and ‘access through’ health care, the latter concept taking into account the quality of the service being provided. Health care need and health care quality have been developed into framework for measuring disparities in access to care, a framework that includes broader environmental and societal factors like racism that may affect access. There is increasing evidence that Maoris and non-Maoris differ in terms of access to both primary and secondary health care services that Maoris are less likely to be referred for surgical care and specialist services, and that, given the disparities in mortality, they receive lower than expected levels of quality hospital care than non-Maoris. One survey showed that 38% of Maori adults reported problems in obtaining necessary care in their local area, as compared with 16% of non-Maoris. Maoris were almost twice as likely as non-Maoris (34% vs 18%) to have gone without health care in the past year because of the cost of such care. This adds to previous evidence that cost is a significant barrier to Maoris’ access to health services. (Lis Ellison-Loschmann, 2006) Affordability Many of the Maori people are unemployed due to lack of qualifications for they did not have a chance to study. This results to not being able to avail the health services offered in Tamaki Makau Rau whether it is primary or secondary health services. Instead of seeking professional help from the doctors or health workers, they tend to self-medicate by buying over the counter medicines to have a relief on whatever symptoms they are experiencing. The development of Maori health services At the beginning of the 20th century, Maori leadership played a key role in advancing health promotion and disease control activities within Maori communities.This approach was to be important throughout the century, and there are many examples of both national and local Maori-led initiatives committed to advancing Maori health. These initiatives occurred outside of the mainstream services being provided at the time, which made them vulnerable to changes in government and funding availability. An opportunity for the focused development of Maori provider services emerged with the introduction of the 1991 health reforms. However, this restructuring of health and social services also led to a widening gap in inequality, as evident in such key determinants of health as income, education, employment, and housing. Moreover, the reforms had direct effects on the health of Maoris, particularly that of children. What are the differences between health services provided by Maoris and those provided by non-Maoris? Crengle identified use of Maori models of health and promotion of positive Maori development as 2 key philosophies underpinning Maori primary health care services. Maori cultural processes used as a basis for developing and delivering contemporary health services that support self-sufficiency and Maori control are crucial to the success of these provider organizations. Maori provider services have specifically identified access issues as a key factor and have used a range of strategies to address these issues, including extensive mobile services and outreach clinics (alongside a health center service base), free or low-cost health care, employment of primarily Maori staff who are more likely to have access to Maori consumers in their communities,and active inclusion of the community in the planning and delivery of services. The number of Maori health providers increased from 13 in 1993 to 240 in 2004. However, these providers continue to face a number of difficulties. For example, a lack of good primary health data, such as ethnicity data, has limited the potential of many Maori health providers, and a small Maori health work-force has been quickly absorbed into the growing number of Maori provider organizations. Also, the short contract time frames in place require extensive renegotiations each year. In addition, because Maori providers work primarily with families at high levels of need in terms of health services, increased costs are inevitable if health gains are to be achieved, and funders must take this situation into account. Similar policy initiatives have recently been adopted in Canada and Australia to improve the health of indigenous peoples; however, the contractual environments in these countries lean toward single multiyear funding contracts for comprehensive primary health care, and there is early evidence that such systems are more efficient for providers and promote better outcomes among consumers. It is too soon to assess the effects that the Maori provider organizations are having on the health status of Maoris, and these organizations should be viewed as representing one of a package of necessary long-term measures. Although the evidence that such strategies are effective is not yet available, there is certainly evidence that the reverse is true; that is, health service provision with little Maori participation results in poor Maori outcomes. (Lis Ellison-Loschmann, 2006) Government Health Policy i.e Whanau Ora It is when the family is empowered as a whole in facing the health problems instead of focusing individually with the whanau members. It encourages the family to help one another in dealing with sickness or any ailments by giving them health lectures, brochures and pamphlets with regards to the disease. Explain the research methodology Result of consultation with local iwi and/or hapu Consultation helps develop a cooperative working relationship with local Iwi and Hapu. Te reo drives tikanga and kawa for each Iwi and Hapu. It is done usually before and during the research, for the researchers to advise them of the nature of the intended study and invite their comments and/ or involvement. Ethical and cultural considerations within a hauora context As a researcher, we should secure consent first. So that the subject will be aware on what is the scope of the research and on how he or she can participate. It is also given to secure his/her rights as a subject. The researcher should also consider his client’s cultural safety by not putting into risk his client’s cultural beliefs. The researcher should also work on establishing the relationship and set rapport or also known as whakapapa-kawakia. The researcher should allow his client to do their Karakia before and after their session. Data collection and tikanga Data is collected for this unit standard by using different available resources which involves the three trends namely Lung Cancer, Gynaecological Cacer and Bowel Cancer. These are by utilizing books, journals, websites and notes from our lectures with respect to the Tikanga of the subject. It I important to observe their Tikanga for they will uphold each other’s culture and beliefs. Describe the research methodology in accordance with research ethics and tikanga Maori, ensuring you cover the following areas: Complete literature review has been already submitted. Sourcing information References: Bowel Cancer Matepukupuku Puku Hamuti. (2009) Cancer Society: Understanding Cancer, 7-10. Gynaecological Cancers Information for All Women. (2012) Cancer Society, 1-2 Ministry of Health. (2014, January 23). Retrieved January 30,2014, from Ministry of Health, Te Puni Kokiri. (2012, March 6). Retrieved January 30, 2014, from Te Puni Kokiri: Ministry of Health. (2010). Trends in Cancer Incidence by Ethics and Socioeconomic Group, New Zealand 1981-2004. Trends in Cancer Incidence by Ethics and Socioeconomic Group, New Zealand 1981-2004, 52-57 The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright  ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. The Free Dictionary. (n.d.) Retrieved January 30, 2014, from The Free Dictionary, Procedures for recording and analysing information and presenting findings Assessment Task 2 Analyse research regarding hauora Maori trends and paradigms from 1919 to the present day The table above shows the cancer registration by tumour sites for Maori clients in year 2003-2006, Northern Region. There is a high significance rate which is 63% in Lung Cancer for Maori people. This is mainly because of the exposure to cigarette smoking and second hand smoke that the Maori people are experiencing. Next is, Colorectal Cancer with 18%, which mainly caused by not eating enough vegetables high in fibre. The diet of the Maori people has a major impact in the second leading cancer. Most of the Maori people eats meat and processed food which contributes in acquiring colorectal cancer. The next three types of cancer are under the umbrella of gynaecological cancer for women. These three has different contributing risk factors which are obesity, improper diet, number of pregnancy and genetics. It can be prevented by undergoing screening and regular check-up with their OB-Gyne. Most of the Maori women are getting pregnant with their first child at an early age which causes them to bear more children through their lifetime that may cause one of these cancers. Assessment Task 3 Present your findings and explain a present day health priority for Maori The leading five female cancer registrations were breast, colorectal, melanoma, lung and uterus in the Northern Region and nationally for the period 2003-2006, accounting for approximately 65% of all female cancers. The leading five male cancer registrations were cancers of the prostate, colorectal, melanoma, lung and non-Hodgkin’s cancer in the Northern Region and nationally for the period 2003-2006, accounting for approximately 65% of all male cancers. Uterine cancer was the second most common cancer (12%) amongst Pacific women, both nationally and in the Northern Region. Cervical cancer was among the five most common female cancers in Maori, Pacific and Asian women but not in European/Other women in the Northern Region. Nationally, cervical cancer was in the top five female cancers for Asian women only. In the early years, Maori people don’t have the enough knowledge with Cancer and they seek help with their local village doctor and instructed to take herbal medicines to relieve whatever symptoms they were experiencing that moment. And later on will be deceased due to different complications without knowing the real cause. The present day health priority for Maori is early screening for cancers. For female Maoris, they can undergo mammography for breast cancer screening, and Pap smear for cervical cancer screening. For male Maoris, they can undergo Digital Rectal Examination to check if there are any tenderness and lumps in their prostate. Early prevention is important for there are many treatments that can be used like surgical removal of lumps or undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. The chance of survival is high when the cancer is diagnosed at the early stage. Proper health education and having Maori representatives in public health care services is important for the Maori, for they will feel that they are safe and secured if they will speak to their co-Maori people in regards with their health concerns. The partnership of the Maori with The Crown will help the Maori people to avail the different health services offered by The Ministry of Health with respect to their culture and beliefs.

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